plan your trip with rta

FARES Figure the cost of your ride on any train or bus right here. To calculate one-way fares enter your destination into trip planner. Prices may vary between
Metro - Home page
Fodor's Travel Guides - Plan Your Trip.
A Simple Sunrise. Pure Michigan invites you to soak in the warmth of a sunrise and enjoy a day outdoorsMore
Metrorail and Metrobus transit services in Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia communities. RTA Trip Planner Dayton
plan your trip with rta
Google Transitplan your trip with rta
Dubai Trip Planner How to Plan a RTW Trip « 360 Degrees.Regional Transportation Authority
Pure Michigan Travel

Use Google Maps to. Get step-by-step transit directions Find transit stops in your area; View station information and schedules; Join the transit partner program
Sound Transit Home - SoundTransit
Read Fodor's reviews to find the best travel destinations, hotels and restaurants. Plan your trip online with Fodor's.
MSN CA Travel: Online source for guide books, articles, features and photos on Canada, the U.S. and international destinations, plus tools to help plan your trip
Sound Transit home page Plan your trip. Enter information in the start and end boxes. By address: Enter the street address, you don’t need to enter city, state